“You are probably wondering why I speak so fondly about Feral Cat Rescue/Research. I am one of the really lucky ones! My new Daddy took me back to the colony where I was trapped, but I refused to leave the carrier. He looked at me and I looked at him…we had a stand off. He said, “OK, I will take you back home”. Boy, that was what I wanted to hear. After I was trapped and visited the Veterinarian, I spent over a week at my Dad’s place, where I lived in a Dog Crate. It really was not bad.
When we get sick, there is nobody to help us. When, however, Feral Cat Rescue/Research traps, neuters/spays and returns feral cats, we have been vaccinated against rabies, distemper, etc. and have a much better chance at survival. These colonies managed by Feral Cat Rescue/Research are also provided food and water and if they see one of us in need medically or otherwise, they will do everything in their power to help. FCRR makes a commitment to help us have a much better life.
Fresh food, water and a comfortable bed. It was much better than before, when I was forced to scratch out a living and having to look over my shoulder in fear all of the time. I knew my new Dad loved me; I could see it in his eyes. One day, I rubbed his hand with my head, and just like that I was out of the crate and living in the house with all the other kids.
We are all feral, and my Dad just shakes his head when he opens the front door and we look out, but make no effort whatsoever to go out. We have been there and done that, thank you! We could not be any happier than we are now. But we really need to help all the other less fortunate kids that are still out there, having to fend for themselves!